Today, ATU met again with the City of Edmonton to negotiate on our long overdue contract. Among other things, we discussed the Union’s proposal on a number of wage adjustments (including HETs), the conversion of CSOs to Transit Operators, and some specialized equipment premiums. The City did not agree (or disagree) with any of those demands, but went on to propose a three-year contract with 3% increase for 2024, a 2% increase for 2025 and a 2% increase for 2026. Yes, 3, 2 and 2. The Union counter-proposed a three-year deal with 3.25% for 2024, 5% and 8% for year 2026.
We have three more bargaining dates scheduled in February – the 13th, 19th and 26th. Don’t forget we’re still in open bargaining. If you want to attend to see first-hand how things are going, there are rules. You can’t be on work hours or STD/LTD/WCB. You will be present as witness only – no voice. If all of that works for you and you want to attend, let Daryll know at It’s crunch time!
In Solidarity,