Add Your Voice


They’re out there! In case you haven’t seen them the Core team are in our workplaces asking you to sign a petition and click a photo. What’s it all about?

First, a brief negotiations update. We’ve met the City numerous times and have signed off a number of non-monetary items. The City has tabled its offer of a 3-year deal including 3 – 2 – 2 % for ’24, ’25 and ’26, respectively. It’s not enough. We’ve countered with 3 ¼, 5 & 8% for the same period. They have not countered and are refusing to bargain any further. Meanwhile, they refuse to provide wage adjustments for all of our demands except TPO Sgts. Nothing for Trades, nothing for TPOs, nothing, nothing, nothing. No shift diff, no glasses, no Healthcare spending account increase. Not even a lousy hat.

They don’t believe we’re prepared to strike. Until they do believe it, we will NOT get any further in bargaining. We’re headed to Mediation now. After Mediation is a 14-day cooling off period. After that, we take an official strike vote. And three days later we can walk off the job.

But we can send them a message now. And hopefully avoid a strike. The petition says that you’re prepared to vote yes in a strike vote. Already more than half of our ETS membership have signed up and sent their photo in. If you haven’t signed yet, please, watch for them, track them down, sign it off. Add your voice to the growing clamour to get fair treatment, better security, fair wages and a lot more. We can’t do it without you. Sign it off now and send the message that we really DO mean business.

In Solidarity,