ATU endorses Hillary Clinton for president

The ATU General Executive Board has announced ATU’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president of the United States. Along with her running mate, Senator Tim Kaine, ATU believes she will be a progressive, forward-looking leader who will keep America united while charting a steady course toward a safer, more peaceful world. “We have a champion…

Pension report shows resilience of well-managed defined-benefit plans

LAPP’s 97 per cent funding level repudiates Tory fearmongering about impending financial collapse Edmonton – Alberta’s Local Authorities Pension Plan has hit 97 per cent funding just two years after Conservatives tried to gut it over fears that the plan was unsustainable. Earlier today, Alberta’s largest pension plan – the Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP),…

Let’s Fill the Bus on September 10th!

ATU Local 615 in Saskatoon has been unable to negotiate a new collective agreement for almost 4 years. FOUR YEARS WITHOUT A DEAL! Their main issues are pension (the employer wants them to give up their defined-benefit plan) and wages (bus operators earn a little over $23/hr). Pretty important issues. 2 years ago, many of…

LAPP Seminar

This seminar has been canceled due to low enrollment. We are booking the next session for Feb 22, 2017. More info to follow. Local Authorities Pension Plan Seminar Date: October 12, 2016 From: 10:00 – 12:00 and 1:30 – 15:30 Location: ATU 569 – Union Office Please contact Union office at 780-426-6136  or email:…


Once again, the City will conduct its biennial employee survey. They want to know what YOU know: what’s happening that’s good and what’s not so good. In previous survey years, employees in ETS have had the absolute lowest response rate ( 40% in 2014 vs. 62% City-wide; the target for Transit for 2016 is 50%)….

Womens’ Caucus Meeting

Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 11:30 AM Join us and discuss the ATU 569 Women’s Business Fair. The meeting is open to everyone. If you are interested, please contact the Union office at: 780-426-6136