OTTAWA – ATU Canada is encouraged by the announcement of $750 million in emergency transit funding made yesterday by Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland but calls this a “band aid solution” and says more is needed for future funding crises likely to face public transit. The announcement came with two caveats; however, that provinces match the federal…
Author: Daniel
ATU 569 Secures New Bargaining Unit
ATU Local 569 is pleased to announce the official creation of a brand new bargaining unit: Edmonton on Demand operators today voted 60 to 12 to join our union. WELCOME Sisters and Brothers of EOD. The work that the City contracted out has now come back home. To the veteran members of ATU 569: when…
Public Interest Alberta
Many of us are hurting right now. We are tired and frustrated. We are fearful and sad. Many of us are fed up. As I write this, I am being told that trucks are arriving at City Hall in Edmonton. Even as we have kept pitching in to help each other through our second…
Red Deer Contract Vote Update
On February 02, ATU 569’s Red Deer bargaining unit ratified a new 2 year contract. The deal contained strong language causing part time jobs to be moved into full time jobs and a provision that protects members from contracting out. Congratulations to Red Deer members. Meanwhile, workers at Edmonton on Demand are still casting mail…
Office Administrator Search
ATU Local 569 is searching for a hardworking, knowledgeable and skilled office administrator to replace anticipated attrition in our office environment. The posting is attached and if you know of someone who might be interested in this position and might possess the requisite skills and experience, please pass on this posting to them. Administrator posting
Memorandum of Agreement Reached at Red Deer
After a day of mediation, ATU’s Red Deer Negotiating Team reached a tentative agreement with the City of Red Deer. It’s a 2-year deal for 2021 and 2022 and does not contain a general wage increase. However, the Union was successful in negotiating language that will contain the drifting off of full time jobs to…