Word is getting out!

A message of congratulations from our Coalition partners in the City of Edmonton.

You Did It!

Today, November 18, 2021, the Union and the City of Edmonton jointly announced the saving of about 110 ATU members’ jobs! Cleaners, Service persons, your jobs are safe. What the announcement didn’t cover is that the Fare Maintainers’ jobs have been made safe, too. Who gets the credit? ‌ That’s who. You stood up. You…

UCP authoritarian Bill 81

Alberta unions say they will not stand for UCP attempts to “take civil society out of our democracy” AFL raises the alarm about the UCP’s authoritarian Bill 81 EDMONTON – The leaders of more than 20 Alberta unions are raising the alarm about the Kenney government’s Bill 81, saying it’s not just an attack on unions,…

Union Membership Meetings Resume

At last Monday’s Executive Board meeting, the Board members carefully reviewed the provincial pandemic gathering protocols along with direction from the International Union. The end result is that we’ve cleared the way to a resumption of regular monthly membership meetings, beginning Tuesday November 23 at 10 o’clock and 7 o’clock. Attendance will be carefully monitored…

City of Edmonton, Your Time is Up

At about 1:15 pm today, November 05, 2021, the Alberta Labour Relations Board announced the outcome of the forced vote on the City’s so-called “last best” offer to Amalgamated Transit Union ETS Main employees. “Not Good Enough” was the loud and clear response Union members delivered to the City, turning down the offer by 93.27%….

COVID Changes to Operators Shifts

On November 01, this Monday, the City will begin enforcing its COVID vaccine mandate. The vast majority of us are vaccinated and have provided our documentation to the City. About 300 operators either have not provided the documentation or are not vaccinated. Of those, 1 member has been granted an exemption and 13 others have…