Mayor Supports Firing Cleaners

Please see the attached media release published at 7 am this morning. ATU will not stop trying to save the cleaners’ and fare maintainers’ jobs   In Solidarity, Steve Bradshaw President/Business Agent ATU Local 569

Keeping the Pressure On!

On Monday, July 05, city council will debate and vote on OUR motion. Yes, ours. Your commitment got the motion to save 149 of our sisters’ and brothers’ jobs.Now, need you to step up one more time. Over the weekend, I’ll be composing A letter to counsellors asking them to understand the importance of keeping…

Arbitration Award – Photo Radar\Red Light Tickets

Sometime in 2018, ATU initiated a grievance about photo radar/red light tickets. The City requires operators to both pay the ticket and receive discipline for infractions. The Union has always felt that this is both unfair and unreasonable. Today, almost 3 years later, the arbitrator’s award was released. In a two-to-one decision, with the City…

Sohi Reimagine Response Letter

Please check out the letter from Mayoral candidate Amarjeet Sohi. It is Sohi’s cogent and sensible response to the City’s release recently of the Reimagine cutbacks and layoffs. Sohi Letter In Solidarity, Steve Bradshaw President/Business Agent ATU Local 569

The Heat is On!

With the weather forecast indicating temperatures reaching into the high 30s for the coming week, it’s time to take stock of the necessary precautions to avoid heat related illness. ATU will be out there testing temperatures in the Operators’ cabin. The City of Edmonton has Fleet Maintenance on high alert to ensure the air conditioning…

We Are So Close!

We’re on the verge of saving 105 members’ jobs and we need everybody to step up. We have a letter writing campaign running and IT IS WORKING. But it isn’t there yet. Here’s a link to the campaign. It’s easy. Really, it is. You click the Send Letter link below. It takes you to an…