Over the past year and a half, we’ve seen so many of our fellow workers stricken with this deadly virus. One hundred and forty-eight International ATU members have died from COVID or from complications of COVID. A deadly virus indeed. Only one of those, a retiree, was from Local 569. The many other members who…
Author: Daniel
Join Your Union Live!
This Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 7:00 pm, your ATU President and Executive Board will be going live to give a report on Union Business and to answer your questions. Have a question you’d like an answer to? Please email it to office@atu569.ca or leave it in the comments section during the video. We’ll do our best to get to all questions, time permitting…
Save the Date
ATU’s recent petition drive was a roaring success as more than 1500 members from Edmonton and St. Albert signed on. Congratulations to the Core Team members for generating such solidarity in our membership. A job well done! Now it’s time to tell the world that we stand together against regionalizing the system and privatizing our…
Municipal Election October 18, 2021
Hello, everybody. Last week, the Deputy City Manager for Employee Services in Edmonton, Kim Armstrong, sent us all a message about how City employees can be involved in the upcoming municipal election. In particular, Ms. Armstrong emphasized that employees may not practice any kind of election activity while on-the-clock. She took special aim at social…
Critical Worker Benefit Program
This is information for all members who are wondering about the Critical Worker Benefit Program – the Provincial Government response to the extra burden and risk carried by “Critical Workers” during the pandemic. Working with Labour Relations Branch Manager, Denis Jubenville, we’ve been advised that no municipal employee will qualify for this benefit. Not the…
Union Update on Rumours
The Union has been informed that a Request for Proposals has been ordered by the City of Edmonton for contracting out of bus cleaning. The process for generating such a proposal is in its infancy. Transit Fleet Maintenance management has begun the process of understanding the changes needed to support such a move. That’s where…