Evaluations Update for April 28, 2017

Attached is the evaluation summary report for evaluations up to and including Apr 28 EDSP Summary Report Mark Tetterington, President/Business Agent

Day of Mourning

Today, all of us at ATU 569 are remembering all the workers who were killed, injured or disabled on the job. Alberta lost 144 men and women due to workplace injury or illness in 2016.

Latest Evaluation Report

Attached is the evaluation summary report for evaluations up to and including April 21 Summary Report Mark Tetterington President

Oil King Tickets No Longer Available!

Due to the high number of requests for Oil King tickets we made inquires to see if we could get more than the original 300 ticket we purchased. Unfortunately, we can not get more tickets to the Dec 10 game. ATU has now given away all of the 300 tickets for the Edmonton Oil Kings Game…