At about 1:15 pm today, November 05, 2021, the Alberta Labour Relations Board announced the outcome of the forced vote on the City’s so-called “last best” offer to Amalgamated Transit Union ETS Main employees. “Not Good Enough” was the loud and clear response Union members delivered to the City, turning down the offer by 93.27%. Of 1783 ballots, 1663 rejected the City’s offer
The vote was forced by the Alberta Labour Relations Board at the City’s request after the City twice requested the Union to take the vote voluntarily to its members. “The offer was divisive and lacking in any reasonable improvements.” Says ATU President Steve Bradshaw. “There was no way we would take an offer like that to the membership voluntarily.”
“Our members have seen right through the offer and the City’s unwillingness to negotiate a fair contract. ATU members have taken 2 straight years of zero increase, doing our part to solve the City’s fiscal problems that are not of our making.”
“It’s time to end the stonewalling and start really negotiating.” said Bradshaw. It truly won’t take much to get to a deal here if everybody comes with an open mind. We can have it settled up in a couple of weeks.
In Solidarity,
Steve Bradshaw
President/Business Agent
ATU Local 569