Agenda: Make it yours! Send in your questions/concerns to office@atu569.ca In the subject line enter: May 25th Facebook Live Question. Get it to us by 1pm on the 25th and we’ll have a cogent answer for you.
We’ll also be talking about the myriad things that are going on: Bargaining report for Red Deer, for St. Albert and, of course, for DATS. We’ll talk about when to expect a membership survey for members in the ETS Main group (Yah, that’s coming up at the end of this year).
We’ll have an update on the effort to welcome the Inspectors back into the Union. A Provincial Election update – E-Day will be only four days away. Update on policy grievances, new and old. Now that the Regional Commission is dead, where is Regional Transit going? Efforts to halt the disorder on our transit System and more…
This event will broadcast at the specified time and will be held over for anyone to view at any time they please, so, if you can’t make it at 2 o’clock on Thursday the 25th, just log in anytime to see and hear what happened.