President-Business Agent
The President-Business Agent is the chief Executive Officer of the Union. He/She has general supervision over all affairs between the Executive Board and membership, and presides at all meetings of the Union. Along with the Financial Secretary, the President is responsible for the Unions’ financial decisions and in directing the Locals’ investment portfolio. The President decides on all questions of order, casts the deciding vote in the event of a tie in an Executive or Membership vote, and has the power to call special meetings. He/she carries out all correspondence and performs other duties that pertain to the office.
Vice-President Operations – Assistant Business Agent
Along with the Maintenance – Assistant Business Agent, and in the absence of the President-Business Agent, perform all duties of the President-Business Agent and render other assistance that may be required. He/she carries out all correspondence and performs other duties that pertain to the office. He/she supervises all sign-ups and sheet perusals. Ensure all sign-ups are appropriately staffed by Executive Board Members or Shop Stewards.
Maintenance – Assistant Business Agent
Along with the Vice-President of Operations, and in the absence of the President-Business Agent, perform all duties of the President-Business Agent and render other assistance that may be required. He/she carries out all correspondence and performs other duties that pertain to the office and is the 3rd signing officer in the absence of 1 of the 2 other main signing officers. He/she is responsible for the Local’s activity related to Workers Compensation Board cases, and in conjunction with the FST handle the Local’s Long Term Disability members issues.
Financial-Secretary Treasurer – Assistant Business Agent
Is responsible for accurate membership records, financial records, banking, and reporting information to the Executive and membership. Is 1 of 3 signing officers, and ensures membership dues are accurately collected and reported. Along with the President, the Financial-Secretary is responsible for the Unions’ financial decisions and in directing the Locals’ investment portfolio. He/she carries out all correspondence and performs other duties that pertain to the office.
Recording Secretary
Prepares and maintains accurate minutes of the Executive Board, Membership and any Special Meetings and keeps accurate records of motions, amendments, debates, discussions and financial votes. Initials monthly minutes with the President for the auditor and signs audits along with the President. Ensures minutes contain: quorum, meeting venue and all motions and votes and call the roll of officers when required. He/she carries out all correspondence and performs other duties that pertain to the office.
Red Deer Representative
Supervise and direct the management of the Local, introduce bylaw changes upon its recommendation to the membership for approval, constitute the Grievance Committee, except for in house grievances, investigate all disputes and controversies between the members of the Local and the Employer and report all findings to the regular meeting of the Local. Executive Board Members are empowered to call special meetings of the Local to consider any matter or matters which, in the judgment of the Board warrants the Calling of a Special Meeting. They have the authority to submit the results of the negotiations on Agreements or other matters of importance to the entire membership for a referendum vote of the members and conducts all votes under conditions and at times and places determined by the Executive Board. They attend any special Meetings called by the President-Business Agent when it is deemed necessary and ensure a quorum of the Executive Board to do business.