When: Monday September 27 from 7pm to 8pm
With all that’s happening in our workplaces this week and considering that we’re once again unable to hold an in-person membership meeting, the Executive Board wants to invite you to a special Facebook live meeting.
The meeting will have 2 reporting topics:
- ETS Main negotiations are getting heated up. The most recent action from the City is that they applied to the Board to require us to vote on their latest offer. We’ll talk about why the negotiating team and the Executive Board are calling for a massive NO vote.
- Municipal election time is here and ATU Local 569 has announced its endorsements. We’ll talk about who and why and we’ll talk about the Local’s campaign to elect Councillors and a Mayor who share our values.
Please take a few minutes to join us. I guarantee it’ll be time well spent.
In Solidarity,
Steve Bradshaw
President/Business Agent
ATU Local 569