Let’s Fill the Bus on September 10th!

steve-bradshaw-photo-with-nameATU Local 615 in Saskatoon has been unable to negotiate a new collective agreement for almost 4 years. FOUR YEARS WITHOUT A DEAL! Their main issues are pension (the employer wants them to give up their defined-benefit plan) and wages (bus operators earn a little over $23/hr). Pretty important issues.

2 years ago, many of us took a bus over to Saskatoon to join these members on their picket line. As much as they appreciated the effort, they still have not settled a contract. SO, WE’RE DOING IT AGAIN! Only, this time we’ll be joined by Locals from Calgary, Regina and Winnipeg and ATU Canada. Their Local Labour Council and the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour are also participating. We’ll send a message to City Council to get their bargaining back on track. Afterward, we’ll join Local 615 members and their families for their annual corn roast.

The plan is for the bus to leave the Union office about 6 o’clock on the morning of the 10th and leave Saskatoon for the return drive about 7:30 in the evening. It’s going to be a lot of fun and will be a great boost for our Saskatoon sisters and brothers.

Please RSVP as soon as possible by calling the office 780-426-6136 and have Connie or Karen or Judith reserve you a seat! Give me a call if you have any questions.