None of our employers have, yet, put in place a mandatory vaccine policy. The City of Edmonton is considering it. The City of Calgary has done it. The City of Toronto has done it. It could come to us.
The Canadian Labour Congress, working with its affiliates, including ATU, has developed a unified statement about mandatory vaccines. It says, in part:
“COVID-19 is not the seasonal flu. It is much more deadly and has inflicted far greater damage on our health system, our economy, our livelihoods and the individual health of Canadians.
Canada’s unions strongly support vaccination against COVID-19 for every Canadian that can be vaccinated.” However, it goes on to say that “Any decision to impose mandatory vaccination policies must be based on scientific evidence and be made by public health officials, not employers or unions.
Canada’s unions are clear: we all have a collective responsibility to halt the transmission of the coronavirus that is sickening and killing people in Canada and worldwide.”
However, “Unions reject threats of discipline or termination as an approach to increasing vaccination rates.”
Legal opinions on the matter are consistent in starting that it is likely the Supreme Court would recognize the pandemic as an exception and rule that employers are entitled to impose such a policy in these circumstances, Charter Rights notwithstanding.
What all that means on the ground here in Edmonton, St. Albert and Red deer is that IF City of Edmonton or any other employer makes a unilateral decision to mandate vaccines, the Union recommends compliance. If one can’t or chooses not to be vaccinated and there are consequences, call the Union for representation. We will represent you robustly.
In Solidarity,
Steve Bradshaw
President/Business Agent
ATU Local 569