Municipal Election October 18, 2021

Hello, everybody. Last week, the Deputy City Manager for Employee Services in Edmonton, Kim Armstrong, sent us all a message about how City employees can be involved in the upcoming municipal election. In particular, Ms. Armstrong emphasized that employees may not practice any kind of election activity while on-the-clock. She took special aim at social media, where other people’s posts are sometimes seen on one’s own site.
The Union IS involved in the election. We encourage all members to become knowledgeable of the issues and the candidates and to practice your democratic right to participate. We will be sharing what we learn along the way, in hopes of helping to elect an intelligent and progressive Council. We’re working in concert with the Coalition of Edmonton Civic Unions and the Working Families Initiative.
That said, you must keep it off the job. You must also keep it off your social media sites if there is any chance you will be identified as a City Employee. Be smart: protect your job. Members in St. Albert and Red Deer should adhere to the same code.
What we know so far: Four vacancies are identified. Councillors Henderson, Walters and McKeen have announced they will not seek re-election. Councillor Nickel will seek the Mayor’s seat, leaving that Ward open as well. The Executive has met two candidates for those seats: Glynnis Lieb and Cori Longo. In March we will meet another and a 4th in April. We’ll keep you informed as we go along.
At least 4 people have declared their nomination for Mayor, the two best known being Councillor Mike Nickel and former Councillor Kim Krushell. It’s likely others will enter the race. Stay tuned!
In solidarity,
Steve Bradshaw
President/Business Agent
ATU Local 569