On May 30, ATU 569 members met at our Union hall to build on the efforts of our President, Mark Tetterington, in a fight against the City of Edmonton. Many of you signed up that night to join this fight, and many more have your backs, waiting for the call to action.
In the meantime, here’s what’s transpired…
Mark attended the Federation of Canadian Municipalities conference in Ottawa where he spoke with many City Councillors. He informed them that our membership is already suffering from service cuts, especially the CSO’s. He also gained support from some Councillors who are also against any “uberization” of transit services. There was surprise and dismay, which found its way back to Transit Boss, Eddie Robar. He and some Councillors were not even aware that CSO’s couldn’t simply drive big buses when their work disappears. It’s been made clear to all of them that Mark is fighting to protect ATU 569 members, and that our members are the best choice for Transit!
Currently, CSO shifts are down from 60 to 40 shifts. A 33% loss. Five para-bus routes have been cut completely, and another nine have been reduced. Across the City, 69 routes have been reduced or cut completely. The June 2017 sign-up for both CTO and CSO’s has also been reduced more than 2000 hours compared to June 2016. Combined with other “improvements”, it isn’t hard to see why the sign-up is so sparse.
While Mark has been working the political and bureaucratic angle, others have been busy talking it up around the membership and organizing beyond.
Shop Steward, Rahul Joshi, is fired up. He’s organized a meeting for this Saturday, June 10, 10:00 am with Councillor Moe Banga at Tim Hortons – Ellerslie Crossing, 862 Parsons Road SW behind TD Bank. It’s billed as a round table discussion and members are encouraged to come. He is also using his media and community contacts to spread the word that we need to keep public transit public.
This is part of a wider strategy worked out at the May 30 meeting. We will (including all of you) be reaching out to all communities in the City as everyone has a stake in this issue. There are dozens of groups and individuals already identified to mobilize on this issue and that networking has already begun. Be it seniors, students, unions, politicians, media, language or ethnic/culturally specific groups, non-profits etc, we are reaching out to them all. And this is where you come in… we need translators, writers, public speakers, community organizers, door knockers, leafleteers and all the supports to volunteer getting our message out this summer and fall. The Civic election is only months away.
I’ve spoken with as many operators as I have been able, within the last several days. The general consensus is that we need to keep public transit public and not allow our City to contract out our jobs and give away our tax dollars to the private sector any longer, be it Uber or otherwise. We have already watched our governments foist the P3 LRT on Edmonton, giving the private sector a pretty huge wedge in our transit system, and members are understandably upset. Our newer members are outright fearful for their jobs.
Many of you have been raising awareness and organizing around this issue. You have also been brainstorming different strategies to continue the fight, along with providing solutions that the City would greatly benefit from, if only it could hear our voices.
Well, Brothers and Sisters, let’s crank up the volume! Come to the Union hall on Tuesday June 13, 7:00 pm as we begin to swing into action! Get the latest updates from what Progress Alberta has been doing on our behalf. Offer your voice and your muscle. It’s going to get hot out there this summer!
Kelly Green, CTO Westwood and Shop Steward