The fight is on to save the jobs of more than 110 ATU members. Many of you were at the rally last Thursday, you’ve declared “I’m IN”, signed petitions, worn buttons, got your photo included. The next step is to go public. Just click on the link below and follow the prompts to send a message to City Councilors. It’s that easy!
But… there’s a next step and this is the “going public” part . Forward the link on to your family and circle of friends. Ask them to help us ramp up the pressure on Council to Stop The RFP. The more people who take this simple step the more powerful our message will be. And don’t forget to ask the family and friends to share the link as well. The more messages that get sent, the more Councilors will Get The Message.
In solidarity,
Steve Bradshaw
President/Business Agent
ATU Local 569