By now, you’ve probably received a letter from your employer, the City of Edmonton, detailing the self-described “fair” offer they have made to ATU members in ETS Main. The letter is signed by Deputy City Manager Kim Armstrong. Ms. Armstrong has not been at our negotiating table. Nor has the Branch Manager who reports to her. Or the Director who reports to the Branch Manager. All of which is to say that Ms. Armstrong is removed from bargaining by at least 3 degrees of separation from where the rubber hits the road. It’s hard to imagine that she has any clear understanding of what is being said there. Perhaps she doesn’t care.
By contrast, I have been there for every minute of it. I’ve heard the City deny our very reasonable proposals without discussion; only the simple answer “It’s not in our mandate.” It’s like walking into a brick wall every time you want to take a step forward. Not fun at all. Armstrong hasn’t heard us talk about the Consumer Price Index being at 4% this year. She hasn’t heard the talk about how two consecutive years of ZERO% increase impacts our families. She hasn’t heard how our membership have born the brunt of the City’s recovery from the pandemic and it’s time we got something for our loyalty. Maybe she just doesn’t care to hear it. Maybe that’s all OK to her.
Although the City denies it, their offer is deeply divisive. It takes away anything meaningful in the signup for Maintenance and Security. Let me ask Operators this: Who do you think is next? Our signups in operations are regarded as too important, too valuable to be interfered with. Imagine having them taken away, as is proposed for Maintenance and Security? Not a pretty picture. And if they can get away with it for them this time, how long do you think it will be…?
The City’s offer of nothing for this year and 1% for next year is offensive, at best. We’ve already done our part to fix a problem that’s not our doing. We’ve sucked it up and helped move it all forward. Our reward? Fire the cleaners. Contract out the Bus-On-Demand. Stonewall the negotiations for more zeros.
Enough is enough. Tell the City this is a Union and Unions stand together. That was the idea in 1911 when this Union started and that’s the idea now. Stand tall and vote NO to the City’s shallow attempt to divide us. Your ballot will be in your mailbox sometime this week. Don’t wait! Mark your ballot NO and walk it to the nearest mailbox right away.
Listed below are two of documents that the City has emailed you at your City email address:
In Solidarity,
Steve Bradshaw
President/Business Agent
ATU Local 569