The Union’s Take On The City Of Edmonton’s Mandatory Vaccine Policy

In previous messages, we’ve expressed that ATU Canada worked with the Canadian Labour Congress to develop a comprehensive, considered opinion about the mandating of COVID vaccines. ATU Local 569 ascribes to that opinion. Here are a few of the things it says:
  • Canada’s unions strongly support vaccination against COVID-19 for every Canadian that can be vaccinated.
  • Any decision to impose mandatory vaccination policies must be based on scientific evidence and be made by public health officials, not employers or unions. (the City of Edmonton’s decision is based on loosely acquired statistical evidence, NOT science)
  • Unions must be consulted in the development and implementation of any mandatory vaccination policies. (We were told what the City was doing – that is different from consultation)
  • Canada’s unions are clear: we all have a collective responsibility to halt the transmission of the coronavirus that is sickening and killing people in Canada and worldwide.
So, the message is: we’re on board, but the City has to involve us.
In addition, ATU Canada, other Locals, the Coalition of Edmonton Civic Unions and others have sought legal advice. Across the country, the lawyers are consistent. While the Charter of Rights and Freedoms appears to protect people’s freedom to not be vaccinated, THE PANDEMIC CONSTITUTES AN EXCEPTION that any Supreme Court will likely uphold. Employers have the authority to mandate vaccinations to further protect all members of the workforce.
People form Unions to protect and enhance their common interest. That is our job. With that in mind, your Union recommends to all members that, notwithstanding the lack of consultation and the reliance on statistical evidence rather than empirical scientific evidence, you should comply with the mandate. It IS in the common interest and there is no legal strategy on which to rely in opposing it.
If you can’t comply and feel you require an accommodation, contact your Union. If you choose not to comply, the City may impose discipline and if that happens, give us a call. We will represent you as best we can.
In Solidarity,
Steve Bradshaw
President/Business Agent
ATU Local 569