Union Membership Meetings Resume

At last Monday’s Executive Board meeting, the Board members carefully reviewed the provincial pandemic gathering protocols along with direction from the International Union. The end result is that we’ve cleared the way to a resumption of regular monthly membership meetings, beginning Tuesday November 23 at 10 o’clock and 7 o’clock.
Attendance will be carefully monitored and ONLY those members who provide documentary proof of vaccine or proof of a privately-paid negative rapid test result taken within 72 hours will be permitted to attend. The document required is the QR code from Alberta Health. Members will be on hand at the door to scan codes. Physical distancing will be required and masks are required when anyone is out of their seat. Let’s protect ourselves and each other and have a great meeting.
It’s a welcome development for the Union to return to membership meetings. Since January, 2020, almost 2 years ago, we’ve had only one meeting, that being in July, this year. The ATU is a member-driven organization, centred on the bedrock principle of democratic participation. Regular meetings are how we do our business. Having the work of the membership meetings transferred to the Executive for all this time is, of course, a form of representative democracy, as the Board members are elected by the members. However, nothing beats the direct involvement of the members in operating our Union. Hope to see you there!
In Solidarity,
Steve Bradshaw
President/Business Agent
ATU Local 569