There has been a great deal of confusion as to why ATU Local 569 is holding an election on August 1, 2019.
First of all, this is NOT an election for any positions for the Local 569 Executive Board. The election on August 1, 2019 is to elect Delegates who will represent ATU Local 569 at the upcoming 59th International Convention which will be held on September 23-27, 2019 in Las Vegas. The Convention is held every 3 years and Delegates from locals from all over Canada and the United States will be voting for a new ATU International Executive Board, which consists of the following positions:
1. President
2. Vice President
3. Financial Secretary Treasurer
4. 18-International Vice Presidents and
5. 4-International Representatives
It is important that whoever you decide to vote for to represent ATU Local 569, has knowledge of the candidates running for these positions on the International Executive
Board. The International assists Locals all over Canada and the USA in various areas, such as, bargaining for new contracts, education courses to help train our Members on
various topics, funding for smaller Locals who cannot afford to pay for legal fees and strike pay for Locals who are out on strike.
So, remember, on August 1, 2019 ensure that you VOTE for the 9 Delegates who would best represent the interests of Local 569.
In Solidarity
Mark Tetterington
President/Business Agent