Update from your President

Anti-privatization update:

After reviewing our Labour Certificate, the Union obtained a legal opinion from our lawyers regarding whether the City would be permitted to use a Ride Share or a Drive Share company as an alternative to Public Transit.

The short answer from Nugent Law office is NO.

I have shared this opinion with the Transit Manager, Eddie Robar, Deputy City Manager, Doug Jones and City Manager Linda Cochrane. I am waiting for a response from management. It is my hope that this will quash any further talks of potential privatization.

Shift trade update:

Below is information on how shift trade affects your Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP) contributions:

  • The union has filed a policy grievance regarding the recent changes to how the City contributes to LAPP when a member trades a shift away.
  • There is no language in the collective agreement regarding LAPP contributions. I am meeting with Dana Daniel, Director of Payroll Pension & Benefits and with Ruth Strong, Senior Negotiator to discuss this important matter further.
  • I will keep you up-to-date during this process.

On a positive note – our legal has informed the Union, EPS has dropped all charges against the Operator who was involved in the pedestrian fatality in November of 2016.

In solidarity,

Mark Tetterington, President/Business Agent