Vendor Market & Christmas Campaign

The Women’s Caucus of ATU Local 569 is hosting a Vendor’s Fair and Bake Sale on Saturday, November 4, 2017 from 0900‐1700 at the Union Hall, 10540 – 108 Street.  There will be over 20 vendors to help you with your Holiday shopping.  See attached poster:Women’s Caucus 2017 Vendor Market

Proceeds from the Bake Sale will be going to YESS.  Please come out on Saturday and support the various Vendor’s and the Women’s Caucus.

Christmas Campaign

The Women’s Caucus is collecting donations of assorted toiletries and small snack foods or cash in order to provide approximately 100 backpacks/bags for two shelters.  The two shelters are the Lurana Shelter Society, an emergency shelter for abused women and children and SAGE, an emergency shelter for abused seniors.

For more information regarding donations, please contact Martha Martinez at 780‐265‐1022. Donations may also be made to any member of the Women’s Caucus or dropped off at the Union Office or brought to the November 28, 2017 Union Meeting.  Cutoff for donations is December 2, 2017.

List of possible donations – toothbrushes, toothpaste, wet wipes, dental piks, dental floss, shampoo, conditioner, combs, brushes, cough drops, granola bars, kids toys and puzzles, kid’s activity books, crayons, gum, band aids, hair elastics, hemorrhoid cream, baby powder, Vaseline, hand cream, etc..

The Women’s Caucus thanks you in advance for your support and for helping those less fortunate.  The donations we make to the shelters are greatly appreciated and have helped hundreds.