As 2021 comes to a close, so too, does year 2 of the COVID-19 era near its end. Who among us thought this would drag out for 2 full years with still no end in sight? Yet, here it is with all of its challenges. Let’s keep up the fight to protect each other and ourselves and do our part to kill the pandemic. And that’s enough about that. What else has happened this year? Well…lots. Let’s take a quick look:
In response to respectful workplace issues, ATU initiated and followed through on the Workplace Rehabilitation Process at Transit Fleet Maintenance.
We commenced negotiations with ETS Main for a new contract that is still pending.
We participated in workplace rehabilitation at control/security dispatch.
We commenced negotiations with Red Deer which are now headed into mediation
We participated in a Federal Election that saw 2 Conservative seats in Edmonton fall, one to the NDP and the other to the Liberals.
We undertook unprecedented activity in the Municipal Election – and we elected what appears to be a majority progressive Council with many people we can work with.
We created and developed the Core Team, who’s activities included : the “I’m in” campaign, the “sign the petition” campaign, the “photo” campaign, the “vote NO” campaign, the “Stop Contracting Out” Campaign, the “Red Deer” Campaign. These efforts have raised the bar on Union unity and member engagement.
In the course of those campaigns, we saved about 110 Cleaners’/ Service persons’ jobs and also saved 4 Fare Maintainers’ jobs
A New Organizing team was developed and an organizing drive undertaken to represent the Edmonton On Demand Drivers.
Dozens of grievances were undertaken and discipline reduced or removed, including:
Dozens more problems were resolved using Problem Solving before even getting to grievance.
The Union’s activism in all areas but especially maintenance and security has grown in presence and effect.
Strong WCB advocacy has set a new standard of support for members.
Important arbitrational precedents were set, including:
Legal claims were Initiated at Labour Relations to extend our jurisdiction to protect EOD Drivers
Member knowledge of the Collective Agreements and current issues has ramped up due to frequent social media, townhall and FB Live meetings.
Legal claims were Initiated at Labour Relations to extend our jurisdiction to protect Valley Line workers.
Reps and stewards in DATS, St. Albert and Red Deer have been successfully supported to manage most of their local issues.
We successfully Initiated complaints at Labour Relations against City of Edmonton, Pacific Western and TransEd partners.
We fought off the attempt to move Transit Security Dispatchers out of our jurisdiction.
Raised the alarm at Council & in the media about dangers of Regionalization
Initiated almost 300 new members
Influenced the outcome of the Alberta Federation of Labour elections – ATU being the margin of victory for President Gil McGowan.
And here’s a shorter list of what’s ahead for us next year. To be sure, the list will grow substantially as the year progresses:
With all that’s been done and all that’s still to come, it’s a great time to belong to any Union, but a super day to belong to this one. As we head into a new year, I want to thank all Executive Members, Stewards, Core Team members and everybody else who has stepped forward this year and helped make us such a great Union. Happy New Year and see you in 2022!
In Solidarity,
Steve Bradshaw
President/Business Agent
ATU Local 569