The City has announced important changes to the current Driver Evaluation Policy. Effective March 27, 2017, the following will take place: Members will still go through with the road evaluations conducted by our instructors. Members will now have the choice of taking the DriveAble computer cognitive test or they can opt out and go to…
Author: atu569
Policy Grievance Update
On Wednesday, March 15, 2017, the Union met with the City to try to reach a resolution regarding the DriveAble cognitive testing of our members. Many ideas were thrown back and forth; unfortunately, we were not able to come up with a mutual agreement. The Union will now go to the Court of Queen’s Bench…
Vacation Signing Cutoff Times Operator Badges 1702-1762 Due to a City wide Database failure on Friday afternoon, the cutoff date and times have changed for Badges 1702-1762. This affects everyone junior to 1702 as well. Below are the NEW CUTOFF date and times. Badges 1702-1711 –Monday March 13 @ 0530 Badges 1712-1721- Monday March 13…
An Important Update From Your Union
First of all, the Union understands the incredible amount of pressure our members have been subjected to regarding the recent driver evaluations. There have been many rumors stating that some operators have been terminated because they have failed the cogitative test. This is totally false. Any member who has failed the test is put on…
There are NO tickets left for the ATU SPRING FLING. Event Date: Saturday, April 8, 2017 Event Time(s): 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM Event Location: Galaxyland at WEM
2016 ETS Operator Assault Year End Report
Please click here to view the 2016 ETS Operator Assault Year End Report