Meet your Executive Board 2020

ATU 569 Executive Board 2020 – 2022

Steve Bradshaw

President/Business Agent – Job Description

Steve started with the City of Edmonton as a Transit Operator in January 1991 and has been active with the Union in some capacity since 1993, when he was appointed Shop Steward. He has served in the positions of Operator Representative, Vice President, Operations and 6 years as your Financial Secretary. Steve has contributed to 7 negotiated contracts on behalf of members in ETS Main and ETS DATS and one on behalf of members in St. Albert. Today, Steve serves a quarter million Alberta workers as the Alberta Federation of Labour’s appointed Board Director on the Local Authorities Pension Plan and is in his second term as President of the Local. Previously, Steve was involved with the United Food and Commercial Workers, Teamsters and the Sheet Metal Workers International Association.


Daryll Miller

Assistant Business Agent/Vice-President Operations – Job Description


Jennifer Schmidt

Assistant Business Agent/Vice-President Maintenance – Job Description

Jennifer started with the City of Edmonton as a Bus Cleaner in February 2003. She became a Service Person in 2004, a Truck and Transport Technician Apprentice in 2010 and a Journeyperson in 2013, all within Transit Fleet Services. She has been actively involved with ATU 569 since 2016 and has served a term as a Maintenance Representative. She currently serves as the Vice President of Maintenance. Jennifer is a strong Union activist who is passionate about helping members and improving our work places. 


Damir Begovic

Assistant Business Agent/Financial-Secretary Treasurer – Job Description


Harminder (Raj) Brar

Recording Secretary – Job Description


Maintenance Representatives

Daniel Revega

Ben Dobbins

Leigh McCabe

Operations Representatives

Anita Gates


Tejinder Machhiana


Kelly Davis

Kelly Davis has been an active ATU 569 member since he started with ETS in 2009. He is an active and willing volunteer representing our local throughout the city . Kelly has represented Local 569 as a delegate to the Edmonton and District Labour Council since 2012. He was elected shop steward for the 2016-2019 term and is now serving his first term as an elected Operator Representative, effectively representing his constituency at the Executive level.

DATS Representatives

Natalie Chiasson-Urquhart



Daryn Kreutzer

Security Representative

Mike Trupish


St. Albert Representative

Darlene Malayko

Darlene Malayko began her Transit career in 2005 when she started as an Operator for Diversified Transportation Ltd. in St Albert. She became involved with the Teamsters Union in 2008, as a Shop Steward. When ATU became the new bargaining agent in 2010 she was appointed as a Shop Steward by the President. Currently, Darlene serves the members as The St. Albert Executive Board Representative and is our local’s representative on the Executive Council for the Alberta Federation of Labour. Darlene has been instrumental in negotiating 3 successive contracts for ATU’s St. Albert members.

Red Deer Representative

Bob Relkov – Job Description