Red Deer Negotiations Break Down – DATS All Over Again

Why is it that we can quickly and fairly negotiate a new collective agreement with contractor employers but when we’re dealing with our traditional municipal government employers, we run into a brick wall? Negotiations between the Union and the City of Red Deer have broken down for a second consecutive round. And it took less…

Meetings on Personal Time

Have you every been caught by a Supervisor at the end of your shift and told to come to a meeting? Those “quick little meetings” that sometime take a half hour to an hour of your personal time? An investigation of a customer complaint, for example? Or to receive discipline? Without any pay? Well, times…

Regional Transit in the News

Last November, Edmonton City Council, voted not to fund the Regional Transit Commission, effectively killing the initiative as a Commission driven plan. It did not end the idea of Regional Transit. Media agents remain interested in the concept and shortly, an article will be published with some details of the area municipalities’ Plan B. The…

What’s Up at DATS?

By now, you’ll have heard from media sources or just from word-of-mouth around our workplaces, that DATS members have taken a strike vote. It happened at a special meeting on Saturday April 01. And it was unanimous. But it doesn’t mean that we’re grabbing signs and headed for the picket line. No, not yet, at…

ATU 569 Supports Edmonton Police

Today, two City of Edmonton police constables were fatally attacked in the line of duty. It is a dark day. The Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 569 extends our deepest condolences to the families of Constables Jordan and Ryan. The senseless loss of these front line workers’ lives in the line of duty is a loss…