Rally in support of DATS Members!

The work of a DATS (Dedicated Accessible Transit Service) operator is every bit as valuable as that of a conventional operator. It’s that simple. But the City of Edmonton chooses to discriminate against these workers by paying them less. IT’S TIME TO STOP THE DISCRIMINATION. ATU will hold a rally this Friday, March 3, 2023…

Western Standard Propaganda

A far-right propaganda outlet posing as journalists is soliciting gripes and complaints from ETS Operators with which to harass Mayor Sohi. We all want better safety and security on our Transit System and much effort is being expended to get us there. In the meantime, this so-called “news source” is promising anonymity and confidentiality to…

Walters’ Disappointment Unfounded

Ex-Edmonton City Councilor Michael Walters made several assertions in a recent column about city council’s decision to withdraw from the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Transit Commission that deserve careful scrutiny. In his list of reasons why the Commission initiative failed, Walters lists first  “The outsized influence of the local transit union at city hall.” While ATU…

ATU 569 – City of Edmonton Budget Update

Over the past few weeks, municipalities across Alberta have been engaged in budget discussions. For the City of Edmonton, it’s a four-year budget. And it’s a critically important one for ATU and for Edmonton Transit. There have been some very good outcomes for us. The BIG news, of course, is that City Council voted to…

Alberta’s greatest resource is….

Friend— Instead of facing voters in the open seat in Calgary, Danielle Smith forced an MLA to resign and left working families in Calgary without a representative. Today we launched a new ad—to remind Danielle Smith and every politician who wants our vote—that workers are Alberta’s greatest resource. It’s our work that keeps our communities…

ATU Local 1587 Strikes GO Transit!

Our Sisters and Brothers at ATU Local 1587 in the GTA have been pushed to the limit. Their employer – an agency of the Ford government in Ontario – is poised to contract out their work. We’ve had our belly full of contracting out here in Edmonton and Alberta – and we keep on winning….